iOS 7 – An innovative step amid renovation of smart-phone industry?

Recent days, a lot of commentaries have focused on appearance and usability of iOS 7 – the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system. According to CEO Tim Cook, the new iOS7 is considered as “a stunning new user interface” or a “biggest change” since the introduction of Apple product. However, whether this new iOS7 design actually…

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Impressive raising of mobile app industry

Look back to 5 years ago, the term “mobile app industry” has never been heard. However, by 2011, annual revenue of this industry has reached 7 billion USD, and it is predicted to reach 30 USD in the next 3 years. The rapid development of mobile app industry requires new human resources, especialy at a…

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Evaluate Asian software outsourcing markets

The CIO (US) has just released its 2006 Offshore Outsourcing Guide, which evaluates risks, challenges, results and opportunities of each country in the world’s software outsourcing market. Following are analysis of the Guide about Asian software outsourcing markets, especially in mobile development. India Advantage: high labour effiency, owning important sources and stable infrastructure which help carrying…

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Apps for Enterprise: A potential market

Sooner or later, social networks on mobile devices will become an important and essential tool for both personal and business life. IBM’s recent survey of 2000 technology expert from 87 countries showed that, development of enterprise application for smartphones (iPhone, Android OS phones), tablets (iPad, BlackBerry PlayBook) will knocked down all kinds of existing business…

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